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Tag: dreams


In my dreams when sleep has pulled me in and held me captive,
we are naked. Our clothes lay strewn across the floor,
decades of pain left gingerly at the door,
Our bodies scream ‘Are you sure,’
Our eyes calmly whisper, ‘we need more’.
In the dead of night when I have escaped my confines,
and with the moons glow for light
we abandon our fears somewhere in the night,
as we devour the new sight,
locked in our room of creation we give in to the fight
for in this moment,
we are all that is right.

Karen Hayward ©2016

The other side of the arch.

I dream’t last night in vivid detail of churches burning,

the church was symbolic, the specific church is the root

of my distrust in religion, or people perhaps. I sometimes

think the two over lap. As I watched smoke or stream,

I believed it to be steam,

as I watched it billow from the building, I skipped

through an arch,

a big ornate dirty grey stone arch

and there on the other side was blue skies green fields

and although I felt fear and I searched and searched for my past,

it wasn’t there and around me were new yet familiar faces,

all of them calm

as though they couldn’t see the other side of the arch.


Karen Hayward ©2016

To be.

My heart has known love a thousand times over,

three of those times my soul has screamed at me in

recognition. Three times, three soul mates to date.

In a world that tells us that true love happens only once,

I have experienced it three times and perhaps many more.

Three times each one so very unique,

each one made me weak.

There will be more,

of that I am sure.

Each one will ignite the fire that has forgotten

how to burn inside of me. The flames will

flicker through my veins, licking my soul, waking

my long forgotten spirit.

Till finally in a crowded room I will see you,

the one that haunts m dreams,

the voice I hear whisper, as I scream.

The soft touch on my arm when I feel fear,

the deep knowledge that you are near.

Then I will feel what it is to be,

not to have,

to want



but to simply be.

Blind trust through the driftwood of life.

When you first came into my world you were a muse of delight,
you inspired me to write,
Of the beauty I see,
Of the scars that are me.
You breathed light into the dark,
and dared me to reach up to the stars.
Your presence whispered in the shadows,
where the deep desire grows.
I connected with ease to the reactions of chemistry,
there lays,
always truth in desire,
And that i can trust,
The reactive words of lust.
And you do not lead the way,
Or tell me to stay,
Rooted to the spot,
You wander on ahead,
hoping instead,
That i’ll find my own way,
Intrigued by the prospect of play.
We can’t see our path,
it’s obscured from sight,
Sometimes clearing throughout the night.
I trust in the steps and not the journey,
I trust that as I grow,
The darkness will let go,
The path will clear,
As we get near,
And as we walk along
The battered trail,
I’ll succeed, i’ll fail,
I’ll learn,
And i’ll earn
Truth and trust
A lesson, that I know,
Is a must.

The dream-I watched you die. Flash fiction.

I watched you die. I stood back and watched as you stumbled, intoxicated. An early morning mist clung to our skin, damp and invading. The sun burning through, steam rising from the grey concrete. Everything was so grey, the sky, the road the path, you, me. You wern’t done flinging your anger at me and bitter words continued to fly amongst the tiny drops of wet, grey, air. I stopped and watched as you weaved between the invisible forces that you were battling. Each demon becoming stronger as you tried in vain to bat them away. Then it happened you lost your footing. You fell backwards. A loud crunch, followed by another and another as a pool of crimson blood formed on the grey concrete. So bright, I turned away, wondering if it were real. I listened as birds sang to one another from high up in the trees. Blood continued to spill out as your life ebbed away. My feet didn’t move, I wasn’t scared, or worried. I felt free, free from your bitter hate filled love, I felt the chains drop and my shoulders lighten as relief flushed through me. I watched you die and as your life ebbed away, I felt mine come back.